Английский язык 4 класс рабочая тетрадь Spotlight Английский в фокусе Быкова Дули Поспелова Эванс Starter Unit Номер 4

«английский в фокусе» 4 класс — онлайн-курс, spotlight 4

Ответ к заданию

4 Grammar Practice 1:
1. Jane can type letters, use a computer drive, and send a fax. She can’t speak any languages other than English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, and Chinese.
2. Andrey can’t sing, Lara can play the piano, and Jake and Sue can’t draw.

| Person | Can speak English | Can make cookies | Can play the guitar | Can dance |
| Me | Yes | Yes | No | No |
| Best friend | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
| Parents | Yes | No | No | No |

1. Whose are these hats? They are the children’s.
2. Whose are these bikes? They are the children’s.
3. Whose is this ball? It’s Adam’s.

1. Look at them!
2. Can you give it to me, please?
3. I don’t like him.
4. We see her every day at school.
5. Look at us!

1. She can’t play the guitar, but she can sing.
2. He can’t speak Chinese, but he can speak French.
3. They can’t dance, but they can play the piano.
4. She can’t draw, but she can make cookies.

1. possessive’s
2. is
3. possessive’s
4. possessive’s
5. possessive s
6. possessive s
7. possessive’s
8. possessive’s

1. my family
2. she
3. he
4. him
5. us
6. me
7. him
8. me
9. we
10. us
11. me
12. your family

play the piano, speak French, play computer games, cook, speak five languages, be a music teacher, look at a picture, stand up, sit down, meet someone

1. My birthday is on September 15th.
2. What’s his name? – Peter. – What kind of person is he? – Peter is kind, friendly, and very nice.
3. He is eleven years old. He speaks English and French.
4. This is my grandfather. He is seventy-two years old.
5. My brother is two years old. He is very cute.
6. Vanya is interested in playing the guitar.
7. How old is your sister? – Ten.
8. Who is Peter? – He is my brother.
9. Who is Anya’s father? – His name is Mikhail. He is a pilot.
10. Whose daughter is Anya? – Mikhail and Svetlana’s.

1. Olga is ten years old. She is tall, thin, and beautiful. She has big dark eyes and long light hair. Olga is kind and friendly. She is very smart. She can play the piano and write poetry. She has two sisters. Lena is thirteen years old. She speaks two languages, English and French. Masha is eight years old. The youngest sister is noisy and funny. She sings and dances.
2. We have a big family. My mom is a teacher. She is thirty-five years old. She is tall, dark-haired, and very beautiful. Mom is kind and smart. She can cook well. Dad is forty years old. He is tall and slim. Dad can play the guitar and piano. He is a wonderful friend. My brother is fifteen years old. He is big and strong. His name is Dima. He is interested in drawing and computer games. My grandmother is sixty-five years old, and my grandfather is seventy. They are very nice.

Текст задания 4 Grammar Practice

4 Grammar Practice

1 Look at the card and write sentences. Use can/can’t.

Name: Jane Perkins

Post: Secretary

Languages: English






Skills: type letters

use a computer


send a fax

2 Write sentences with can/can’t.


play the piano




Jake & Sue

3 Complete the table. Then ask and answer questions.

speak English

make cookies

play the guitar



my best friend

my parents

4 Ask and answer as in the example.

1 (John/cello)

Whose is this cello?

It’s John’s. It’s his cello.

2 (children/ hats)

3 (children/ bikes)

4 (Adam/ ball)

5 Fill in the correct object pronoun.

1 These are my sisters. Look at them!

2 Can you give me my bag, please?

3 That is Paul. I don’t like him.

4 Mrs Green is our teacher. We see her every day at school.

5 Look at us! We are on the tree!

6 Use the sentences to complete the gaps.

7 Is it has, is or the possessive ‘s/s’? Write as in the example.

1 Ken’s brother is in the car. – possessive’s

2 He’s got a noisy dog.

3 She’s my grandma.

4 The man’s car is red.

5 She’s got the boys’ notebooks.

6 Ann’s Tom’s best friend

7 Helen’s mum is the girls’ aunt.

8 Ask the questions.

1 My sister is friendly.

2 He’s Jeremy, Mary’s brother.

3 She’s tall with blue eyes.

4 No, I haven’t got any brothers or sisters.

9 Circle the correct word.

Hi, Sonya!

This is a picture of 1) my family. 2) My Mum’s name is Joy and 3) she is a teacher. 4) My Dad’s name is Alex and 5) he is a doctor. 6) I have also got a brother. 7) His name is John and I love 8) him a lot! 9) We are a very happy family! Look at 10) us in this holiday picture! We are all smiling!

Write soon and tell 11) me about 12) your family!



Translator’s CORNER

10 What’s the English for:

играть на пианино, говорить по-французски, играть в компьютерные игры, готовить пищу, говорить на пяти языках, быть учителем музыки, смотреть на картину, вставать, садиться, познакомиться с кем-либо?

11 Translate the sentences into English:

1. Мой день рождения 15 сентября. 2. Как его зовут? – Петя. – Что он за человек? -Петя добрый, приветливый, очень милый. 3. Ему одиннадцать лет. Он говорит по-английски и по-французски. 4. Это мой дедушка. Ему семьдесят два года. 5. Моему брату два года. Он очень забавный. 6. Ваня увлекается игрой на гитаре. 7. Сколько лет твоей сестре? -Десять. 8.Кто такой Петя? – Это мой брат. 9. Кто отец Ани? – Его зовут Михаил. Он летчик. 10. Чья дочь Аня? — Михаила и Светланы.

12 Translate the situations into English:

1. Ольге десять лет. Она высокая девочка, худенькая и красивая. У нее большие темные глаза и длинные светлые волосы. Оля добрая и приветливая. Она очень умная. Она умеет играть на пианино и писать стихи. У нее есть две сестры. Лене тринадцать лет. Она говорит на двух языках, английском и французском. Маше восемь лет. Младшая сестренка шумная и забавная. Она поет и танцует.

2. У нас большая семья. Моя мама учительница. Ей тридцать пять лет. Она высокая, темноволосая и очень красивая. Мама добрая и умная. Она умеет хорошо готовить. Папе сорок лет. Он высокий и стройный. Папа умеет играть на гитаре и пианино. Он замечательный друг. Моему брату пятнадцать лет. Он большой и сильный. Его зовут Дима. Он увлекается рисованием и компьютерными играми. Моей бабушке шестьдесят пять лет, а дедушке — семьдесят. Они очень славные.

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;-) :| :x :twisted: :smile: :shock: :sad: :roll: :razz: :oops: :o :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :grin: :evil: :cry: :cool: :arrow: :???: :?: :!: